您可以多種方式將 Visual Studio 相關的意見傳送給 Microsoft ,包括透過 Microsoft 網站的頁面 Microsoft Connect 提交Bug 和參與 Visual Studio 客戶經驗改進計劃。傳送意見和回報 Bug您可以提供關於某項功能的回應和回報在 Visual Studio 中可能的錯誤給 Microsoft。以這種方式提供回應,您必須有作用中的網際網路連線和 ...
在Visual Studio 中開啟測試結果 請參閱 當您在 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 中執行測試之後,該回合中所執行所有測試的結果會自動儲存在您電腦上的測試回合檔中。 您可以開啟已儲存的任何測試回合、檢視最近執行測試的結果或將測試回合的複本儲存至其他位置。 自動儲存測試回合的數目視 [選項] 對話方塊中的...
HOW TO:將註解加入至您的程式碼 (Visual Basic) 文章 12/08/2011 在此文章 範例 編譯程式碼 請參閱 這個範例示範佔用整個原始程式碼行、程式碼行一部分及多行程式碼行的註解。 範例 VB 複製 ' This entire line is a comment. Dim DailyTotal As Decimal = 0 ' Sales total for today. ...
HOW TO:使用 Visual Studio 編譯及執行完整的 Windows Form 程式碼範例 發行項 2011/08/12 「Windows Form 說明」包含完整的程式碼範例,可供您進行編譯並以最少設定加以執行。 完整的 Windows Form 程式碼範例包含衍生自 Form 的類別和 Main 方法。 有了這個類別和 Main 方法,您就擁有所要編譯以及要從命令列...
Now that you have successfully used a comment to GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio, you can continue to leverage this practice in all your projects. This is just one of the ways that GitHub Copilot can help you write code faster and be more productive. To learn more about GitHub Copil...
// function to get the year of birth Immediately Copilot jumps to action and proposes to complete the comment as follows: // function to get the year of birth *from the age* (Note:in this example I added *stars* around the suggested code. In the Visu...
In April 2020 Microsoft announced Visual Studio Codespaces (formerly Visual Studio Online). With the announcement came a load of new features. You can bring...
According to the link you provided, the project must use the CMake tool to build it, and you want to build the code in Visual Studio tool.You could map CMake commands to the Visual Studio IDE. I hope that the example would be helpful to you....
HOW TO:從現有的程式碼檔建立專案 HOW TO:建立方案的目錄 HOW TO:變更專案的預設位置 HOW TO:變更或加入預設編輯器 HOW TO:升級在舊版 Visual Studio 中建立的專案 HOW TO:升級在舊版 Visual Studio 中建立的專案 不成功的專案升級疑難排解 Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.<member> 已經過時僅受 32 ...
Reason 2: Efficient Code Navigation We know you spend as much time understanding code as writing new code, so great navigation tools are paramount to your success as a developer. Here is how you cannavigate effectively in Visual Studio 2017: ...