In the above program, we try to print some statements and added the comment to understand why and what function we used. But we got SyntaxError: invalid syntax in the first line of code because the python interpreter could not understand that line. As we are trying to comment message, but...
This article covers the basics of writing comments in Python. A comment is a human-readable explanation or annotation that are used to explain the code.
Comments that span multiple lines – used to explain things in more detail – are created by adding a delimiter (“””) on each end of the comment. """ This would be a multiline commentin Python that spans several lines anddescribes your code, your day, or anything you want it to""...
Although we can use “#” to comment large paragraphs into a different line, it is easier to use the triple quotes (“””…”””) to write paragraph in python comments. Example: Copy Code """ We use the def keyword to define a function in Python and the lambda keyword to define...
Python Comment Syntax To add or mark a line as a comment, start with ahash sign(#) and aspace: # This is a sample comment. Using the hash sign to start the line tells the system to ignore everything in that line. When the application runs, the program pretends like those lines don...
In Python, you can comment out a block of code by using the "#" symbol at the beginning of each line. For example: # This is a comment # print("This line of code will not be executed") print("This is the main code and will be executed") Try it Yourself » Copy Watch a...
In a “Hello, World!” program, a comment may look like this: # Print “Hello, World!” to consoleprint("Hello, World!") Copy In aforloopthat iterates over alist, comments may look like this: # Define sharks variable as a list of stringssharks=['hammerhead','...
Let’s move to see how to write a python statement. What is python? Python is a high-level scripting language used in many fields. It uses indentation, statement and comment syntax which helps us write more readable codes. The designers of the language designed it to make programs more ...
As the code grows longer and becomes more complicated, comments prove to be a good way of explaining the code. In Python, we use the # character to initiate a comment. We use this for declaring single-line comments. Most programming languages support multi-line comments also. However, in ...
#!/usr/local/bin/python print 'The Bright Side of Life...' # another comment here We put the special line at the top of the file to tell the system where the Python interpreter lives. Technically, the first line is a Python comment. All comments in Python programs start with a # an...