For this next part I will not yet include the lights, engine, grate, bumper, etc. Instead, I will outline how to add those additional details in a separate section. In this part, we will make a basic front section that we will add on to later and use as a guideline for future ste...
As you use your tools, they will wear down. The bar indicating the amount of uses left on it will start green and go red when it is about to break. If you take two worn down tools (of the same material) and craft them together, it will combine their uses they have left. They wi...
Thanks to TinkerCAD you can! First thing you need to do is draw something on Inkscape. I am not an artist, so I will just draw a star here. Inkscape also offers the ability to draw 3D boxes with manipulative dimensions, but I suggest you use 2D drawings as something goes wrong with ...
The RoboCup initiative takes things to a global scale by hosting international team competitions where students design and program autonomous robots to play soccer/football matches. The goal is to combine engineering, AI, and teamwork to create intelligent robotic systems. ...