How to Design an FPV Racing Frame (Fusion 360) 科技 计算机技术 FPV Frame Fusion 360 一夜秋风Daniel 发消息 接下来播放 自动连播 Frame resonance analysis: How does my frame design stack up to the TBS Source On 一夜秋风Daniel 23 0 Introducing...
问题: 选择面以放置草图的操作不起作用。 原因: 草图必须位于平面或平面上。在通过圆柱体切割字母等形状时,曲面将弯曲,尽管用于切割圆柱体的初始几何体是平的。 解决方案: 为此,解决方法是展平曲面,然后根据需要一起放样面。 在需要展平的几何图元上方和垂直于该曲线
如何在Fusion 360中编辑零部件阵列的单个零部件。 原因:在Fusion 360中,在启用设计时间轴的情况下创建零部件阵列时,阵列实例将作为实例链接到阵列的零部件。对这些零部件中的任何零部件所做的更改都将应用于所有阵列实例,因为它们是同一零部件的实例。有关粘贴与。本文...
How to import Fusion 360 '.f3d' files into Inventor. Getting message "Failed to open document" when attempting to open a Fusion 360.f3d file. It is not possible to open .F3D files in Inventor. See article for work-around on opening a Fusion 360 model in
How to convert an STL mesh to a Solid in Fusion 360 Fusion 360 is very popular among hobbyist and students who enjoy 3D printing. If you’re wondering how to turn an STL file into a solid body, then you’re in the right place. Before we get started with
Fuison 360 on my PC quite working and the standard Windows 7 Uninstall does not work. I tried removing recommended directories etc manually so that I could reinstall; however, these is still some unknown reference to Fusion 360 that attempts to relaunch the old unexistent Fusion 360 and doe...
Hi there, I have been trying to add mesh to this figure attached. I have been using the "loft" tool but it seems that another tool? So the mesh is gray that is shown here is the object the individual was able to create but I was just wondering how to get from the point/lines to...
Step 1 - Load the example widget in Fusion 360. Step 2 - Create a script to automate resizing the body, updating the text, and exporting the STL files. Step 3 - Run the Script. Step 4 - Use the Code. Here, I’ll walk you through an example and provides sample files to demonstrate...
Did you read its help information/installation section: Also this is not an Autodesk product. If you have issues you have to contact the developer directly ( Meaning this product...
Finding ways to model complex surfaces for furniture can be a massive hole of wasted time. In this portion of the series, we show you the best ways to deploy the sculpt environment in Fusion 360. The goal is for you to achieve more organic, flowing furniture for your practice. We cover...