this code gives an error called Undefined function or method 'randi' for input arguments of type 'double' what does it mean
Open in MATLAB Online ThemeCopy Hello, I want. How can i do this (below code block) with a loop? I have to do this with a loop because, i will be doing this with a lots of a matrices. please help me. Thank you. a1=[1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9] a2=[10,11,12; 13,...
번역 편집:Image Analyst2019년 2월 3일 채택된 답변:madhan ravi Hi, I have 5 tests (martix (1000x4)), i would like to use a loop to obtain all possible sets of 2 tests and combine each of them (for example 1.txt;2.txt in one matrix) ...
Because these files have structural cells, so the first step is to convert structure to cell array with commands: 1. A=load('fileA.mat'); %load file 2. d=struct2cell(A); % Convert structure to cell array in file A Then I manually convert each cel...
How to combine discrete and continous data in one Matlab Plot? I would like to display a matrix with values in a heatmap. The matrix contains discrete values, for example 100, 700, 900, which stand for z, x, p, etc. The matrix also contains values that are represented on a continuous...
doing a maze environment and a robot. the robot must navigate in side this maze. both two environments are done using solidworks and converted to wrl file and Meters as unit. i tried to use VR sink parameters block to create new wrl file and combine the robot and it maze...
Open in MATLAB Online To combine multiple plots in one graph, use the “hold on” command, such as: ThemeCopy plot(1:10) hold on plot(11:20) hold off For more information, see: 3 Comments Show 1 older...
• Use signal-based connections to combine models and configure your control system. For more information, see Model Interconnection. • Convert between continuous-time and discrete-time and resample ltvss and lpvss models using c2d, d2c, and d2d. For more information on LTV and LPV models,...
perfect! Thanks Azzi, that worked very well. I was then able to turn the datenumber into a datevec which was nice too.
What is the best way to combine these two excel documents together? I cannot edit these excel documents, but I can create a third excel document that lists both session number and order of the study arm together. 1 Comment Caglaron 13 Oct 2018 ...