Self-control is a finite resource, and using it extensively can lead to decision fatigue. This phenomenon is known as “ego depletion.” Every time you exercise self-control, your decision-making power reduces until you...
If you are a supervisor or manager, then you are likely being asked to make even more — often more important — decisions than that every working day. It is no wonder therefore that so many of us have decision fatigue. It is characterized by a range of emotions and reactions including ...
In the face of COVID fatigue, people are continually urged to not let their guard down. But how can public health officials accomplish this? 'We're going to get through this' One message that Mellins has been conveying to her faculty is one of resiliency and hope. "We're gonna get th...
we are all now struggling to adapt to a turbulent economic environment. As we seek to adapt to break-neck change in our circumstances, consumers everywhere are overloaded by instability. We are suffering from what we have identified, here at frog, as disruption fatigue. ...
One way to combat decision fatigue is to eliminate the tedious, regular decisions you have to make every day. Former President President Obama, for example, shared in a Vanity Fair article, why he only wears gray or blue suits: I'm trying to pare down decisions. I don't want to make ...
How decision fatigue wears you down The effects of decision fatigue in the case of the parole board judges were not subtle, they were glaring. “We find that the percentage of favorable rulings drops gradually from ≈65% to nearly zero within each decision session and returns abruptly to ≈...
Decision fatigue happens every day in your life as well. If you have a particularly decision-heavy day at work, then you come home feeling drained. You mightwantto go to the gym and workout, but your brain would rather default to the easy decision: sit on the couch. That’s decision ...
MFA fatigue is a type of phishing attack. In the MITRE ATT&CK framework, it’s defined as a way to “bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms and gain access to accounts by generating MFA requests sent to users.” What is an MFA fatigue attack? The way the attack works is ...
Once you learn how to recognize decision fatigue, you can find ways to simplify your teaching life, take back your energy, and do your job better.
Teachers are easy victims of decision fatigue due to the nature of the profession, so getting an active routine established early on will be of great benefit to both teachers, who need all the energy they can preserve, and students, who are impacted by just how tired a teacher is at any...