Fabric sourcing is an important step of the design process. Choosing the right materials for your products can be overwhelming. Read on for expert tips.
Plant-based and natural ways to color handmade cold-process soap. Tint your soap with brilliant hues from roots, leaves, flowers, clays, and more! Includes natural soap colorants listed by hue, ingredient, and how to use them. Natural soap making is an exciting craft anyone can do from the...
When It’s Time to Declutter If you can't remember the color of your kitchen counters because it's been so long since you've seen them, it’s probably time to declutter. Getting rid of junk frees up extra space in your home that wasn’t there before and helps you feel more organized...
Aiming to create a wide, clean, and integrated space, the project’s layout is sustained by a blue steel frame structure and precast slabs. The design plays with a ‘hide and show’ of the columns and beams, where their blue color seems to appear and disappear inside the walls. Hanging ...
Pack a wrinkle-release fabric spray Not a fan of ironing or packing for a cruise and worried about wrinkle-prone clothing? Carry a bottle of wrinkle-release spray with you. Simply spray the liquid liberally on clothes while gently stretching and smoothing the garments to eliminate creases caused...
Jobbers typically carry a limited stock of fabric left over from converters and mills. They may sell it at reduced prices and don’t usually restock a fabric, color, or print once they sell out. Take caution with this type of fabric supplier, as you may not be able to order the same ...
This episode also shows how to manipulate scale and tile designs, as well as pointers for getting the hang of drawing digitally. Watch Preview Chapters Gallery Part 4: How to Design Fabric: Working with Color Denyse, Heather & Lizzy Next it’s onto color. From sourcing inspiration to...
Gently dab the stain with a clean, damp cloth to absorb wine. Do not scrub or rub! Next, as soon as possible, stretch the stained fabric over a large bowl or kettle, secure the fabric (a large rubber band is ideal) and apply a layer of salt to the stain and let...
How to color code a column in a table? 02-15-2024 01:23 PM Hi there, I have a table in my dashboard and within the table, there is a status column. The status displayed are: in progress, compleete and unassigned. Is there a way to color code these status so in t...
Click here to view the full infographic –The Best Jeans For Your Body Type #9. Selvedge & Raw Denim: What's The Difference? Selvedge or selvage refers to the clean and finished edge ofdenimfabric. The self-finished edges prevent the fabric from unraveling. The narrow fabric, woven on tra...