Here's the interface implemented by ExcalidrawAutomate: Use CTRL+Shift+V to paste code into Obsidian!ExcalidrawAutomate: { style: { strokeColor: string; backgroundColor: string; angle: number; fillStyle: FillStyle; strokeWidth: number; storkeStyle: StrokeStyle; roughness: number; o...
sudo chmod 755 ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme Method 5. Assign Permission for Third-Party Apps In most cases, the Mac will issue a notification to remind users to pass all permissions when installing the application. On some rare occasions, you need to give permission to third-party apps ...
The options to directly control the text of the tick mark labels is the VALUEATTRS option of an XAXIS or YAXIS statement to override text font, size and color. You may also want to look at VALUESROTATE = DIAGONAL or VERTICAL to change the orientation of the text if is lo...
The Silver Classic Obsidian Bracelet is a must-have elegant men's beaded bracelet, made with a stunning translucid white jade stone. white jade stone has been valued since ancient times because of its abilities to bring luck business. When you wear it with luxury Rolex watch at work, it wo...
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Facial recognition is very accurate at identifying white men, but less so for women or people of color. With the technology rapidly becoming ubiquitous, it’s important to ask ourselves: How accurate is facial recognition anyway? If the image analyzed is perfectly clear, the subject can be iden...
I like to use UTP cables with the same color as Cisco’s console rollover cable. You can access all the console ports either through telnet, SSH, or a GUI. Here are some other console servers you can look into: APC AP9303 Digi CM32 If you know of any other good console servers, le...
On Android, click the "3 dots" icon in the upper right corner, and then select the Notebook option from the dropdown menu. You can either create flashcards or export the notes to Drive, by email, or by Android Beam. On the Kindle Fire, open the ebook and press the center of the ...
APART, from their crystalline structure, color also lends to a crystal's healing properties, as well as collective consciousness. Now with collective consciousness, you're looking at "stones" such as obsidian, amber and things like shells. They don't have that crystalline lattice BUT have been...
You can customize the graph by clicking the cog icon in the top-right corner. The graph settings allow you to create a filter to only display specific notes, or to color code the note nodes by creating groups. There are also some settings to alter the layout of the graph. Take Your No...