Best Way to Collect Tomato Seeds It’s Seed Starting Time Robert Pavlis I have been gardening my whole life and have a science background. Besides writing and speaking about gardening, I own and operate a 6 acre private garden called Aspen Grove Gardens which now has over 3,000 perennial...
During the growing season, I’ll collect fresh lemon balm leaves and add in somewild violets,yarrow, and catnip from the garden. Here’s what to know about the often confusedcatnip vs catmintif you’re not sure what you’ve got growing in your garden. In winter, I keep a jar of roug...
keep reading. Yarrow is useful for so much more than just wound care – according to the revered Bavarian priest and herbalist Father Sebastian Kneipp, “Women could be spared many troubles if they just took yarrow tea from time to time!”(Treben)...
Seeds were collected, kept and shared. Well‐loved, treasured plants were tossed into a small patch of ground to survive and thrive. There was no design. Every plant that the housewife could find, scrounge...
Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater from your roof and gutters, then use it for non-drinking purposes like watering your garden. These seemingly small steps can have a big impact on increasing the amount of clean, drinkable water available to everyone. 3 Turn off lights when you’re not...
Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater from your roof and gutters, then use it for non-drinking purposes like watering your garden. These seemingly small steps can have a big impact on increasing the amount of clean, drinkable water available to everyone. 3 Turn off lights when you’re not...