Growing indoors is much more private than growing outdoors and you also get more control over your grow. Indoor cannabis grow can be surprisingly cheap to get started and maintain, especially if you plan on growing just a few plants.
Cannabis starts making flowers or pollen Pollination Female plants make seeds Cannabis dies for winter Repeat – Everything starts over again for the next generation Why is this important? Cannabis plants go from seed to death in just one year, and they have a certain order for their life stag...
It can be hard to determine when to harvest your cannabis plants. Read our guide to learn when to harvest weed or your cannabis crop.
it is always good to harvest when you are certain that the trichomes are clear with no coloration. During this period, the THC levels are usually at their peak. It also means that CBD and CBN levels cannot influence THC with any sedative effects. Others may want their drops to stay longer...
After mine “cooks” on very low heat for about 6 hours, I usually leave it covered on the stove overnight, then reheat in the morning to strain and collect. Be careful not to turn the heat too high, or cook it too long, both of which have made a couple of my past yields taste...
It takes 4 million flowers and 20,000 bees to collect 3 kg of pollen, or 1 kg of honey. And wiki says that for this jar of honey, foraging honey bees have to travel the equivalent of three times around the world! The actual process takes place following 5 steps: ...
She is highly detailed, analytical, logical, and carries with her a master’s degree in pattern analysis. When Kimberlyn got sick, she applied as much as she could from her work life to try to uncover what was adversely affecting her. Even so, coming to the right diagnoses took a lot ...