In this article, we talked about the ITF barcode (interleaved, industrial, matrix), its features, settings, and showed how to create code using Delphi / Lazarus / C++ Builder
1.Install the Unicode component library to Delphi's component palette. 2.Open the form that you want to convert 3.Change to text view. Right click the form and choose View as Text. 请注意甄别内容中的联系方式诱导购买等信息谨防诈骗 HowtowriteUnicodeWIN32applicationswithDelphi How to write Unico...
Calling into Delphi from JavaScript Having implemented our external object extension and registered it with the browser control, it is now time to look at how we call the object's methods from JavaScript. A similar approach is taken if you wish to use VBScript rather than JavaScript, but the...
The code presented here assumes that: type string = AnsiString What effect compiling this code with type string = UnicodeString with later compilers has not been tested. Listing 7 shows an example of how to retrieve plain text data from global memory. The function can be passed any clipboard ...
Of course there's now the problem of getting the file information back out of the executable! This is quite a trivial process and is dealt with inanother article. Demo Code A demo program to accompany this article (and the relatedarticle) can be found in thedelphidabbler/article-demosGit ...
Image 1: Test application main form in Delphi form designer We will use theTTimerto update the status bar with details of the active control every 1/10thof a second. To do this create aOnTimerevent handler for theTTimeras follows:
The actual call to a procedure is nothing more than: DllMessage; The entire code for a Delphi form (name:Form1), with a TButton (namedButton1) that calls the DLLMessage function, looks something like this: unitUnit1; interface uses ...
ProDelphi measures the runtime of Delphi programs. If a program is too slow, ProDelphi gives the necessary information to optimize it. The principle of source code instrumenting , a sophisticated correction algorithm and the unique granularity of 1 CPU cycle guarantee to get correc...
The linker goes there all the time and gives me surprises, for instance it might say that the inline function I need to use, and already included in the code, is defined differently in one of those header files. How to close that folder "External Dependencies." It is impossible to ...
How to write Unicode WIN32 applications with Delphi This document describes the basic steps that you should perform if you want to change you application fully Unicode enabled. You do not have to change you application to Unicode application if you plan to localize it to Asian languages. A sta...