*本内容は、Servo motor with STM32を参考にしました。 今回は、STM32 F401RE NucleoのPWM出力可能な一番手前にあるD5に接続します。 D5はPB4になります。 配線 SG90の茶色はGNDへ、赤色は...
Finally, set the debugger configuration in the“Config options”field; specify the script path folder and configuration files (.cfg) related to your MCU. In this case, we use a Nucleo F030R8, so the configuration arguments are : -s "${openocd_path}/../scripts" -f interface/stlink-v2-...
In this article, we cover the steps needed to use the Register callback's feature in STM32. TheNUCLEO-H503RB(with anSTM32H503RBT6microcontroller) board is used, but the steps can be easily tailored to another MCU. All the implementation was done over theSTM32CubeIDEv1.13.1but can be ...
Now if you unplug and re-plug the Nucleo board, the code will execute again and this time the blue LED2 will be turned on because the backup register was not preserved as the backup domain lost its power (there was no power provided to the VBAT pin). To be able to preserve the back...
I've tested with a Nucleo G474RE and the frequency is correct: Same using the Generic target. Don't know which board you use with a STM32G474RE, you probably use the generic G474RE variant and I guess you redefine the clock config? This can explain your issue as depending of your ...
In the case of use the function WakeUP only need add this line "PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_CWUF;" before you call the function "HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode();" Accepted Answer 29 Aug 2016 Jyri Lehtinen 8 years, 1 month ago. From my experience with STM32 HAL (Haven't used RTC, though), ...
The easiest way to test your Logic Analyzer is to use it to measure digital signals, that is, voltages that transition between two discrete values, such as 0 V and 3.3 V. To demonstrate this, the example code (see below) for the STM32 Nucleo-F446RE can be uploaded via Arduino, mbed...
Example code is provided below for Arduino, mbed, or AC6 System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32). Required Materials Item One of the Saleae logic analyzers: Saleae Logic 8, Saleae Logic Pro 8, or Saleae Logic Pro 16 Nucleo-F446RE MCP3002 10-bit analog-to-digital converter...
Summary This article presents a tutorial on how to implement the USB Device CDC in the STM32 using the Azure USBX package. Azure USBX is an RTOS USB
Hello I'm new to STM32. The name of the board I am using is NUCLEO-F091RC. I am using TureStdio and want to use simple I2C communication. But I get