Setting Missing Values in SPSSPerhaps unsurprisingly, missing values can be specified with the MISSING VALUES command. A thing to note, however, is that missing values can be specified for multiple variables at once. Second, missing values may be specified as a range. If a range is used, a...
SELECT IF MISSING(bdate). 如需相關資訊,請參閱主題遺漏值函數。
I would like to get a count of the number of missing values across a set of variables for each case. How can I do this in SPSS?
Today we will demonstrate how easy it is to work with missing values in a dataset using the SPSS Modeler. Missing data is different than other topics
Missing Completely at Random (MCAR): MCAR occurs when the probability of missing data on a variable is unrelated to the values of that variable or any other variables in the datasets. In other words, the columns with missing data do not have an interdependency. The missing data is completely...
One of the nice features of SPSS is its ability to keep track of information on the variables themselves. This includes variable labels, missing data codes, value labels, and variable formats. Spending the time to set up variable information makes data analysis much easier–you don’t have to...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
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In previous versions IBM SPSS Statistics 19 and 20 when saving to Excel .xlsx format the sheet names defaulted to Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3. In version Statistics 21 the sheet name is now generated based on the file name.
In this example, we're printing each line of the file to the console, after removing any leading or trailing whitespace using the strip() method. You can modify the code inside the loop to perform any other operations you want on each line of the file....