Re: how to convert sql code to sas code Posted 05-31-2023 05:40 AM (888 views) | In reply to lvalencia Could it be a SAS version of SQL? Like that: %let ACTIVITY = (SELECT (CASE WHEN closing_INVESTOR_ID = 764626 AND FLAG_PREV_AEGON = 1 THEN 'Aegon' WHEN closing_INVESTOR...
Looking for other options?Talk to a SAS expert. Interested in other SAS products or solutions? From individual to enterprise licenses. From tailored industry solutions to offerings spanning data management, visualization, decisioning and beyond. Whatever you need, we can help. ...
To get started, you need the following resources: An Azure subscription. You can create a free Azure subscription. A Document Intelligence instance. Once you have your Azure subscription, create a Document Intelligence resource in the Azure portal to get your key and endpoint. If you ...
Then copy the value in the URL section to a temporary location. It should have the form: https://<storage account><container name>?<SAS value>. Create a new project In the Sample Labeling tool, projects store your configurations and settings. Create a new project ...
March 13, 2025 Blog Transforming travel: tech innovations that make travel work better March 6, 2025 Daniel Batchelor Blog Women in STEM: How Amadeus is paving a path - from primary school to university and beyond March 6, 2025 Ana Doval...
Technology moves at the light of speed, and as such, some of what is described here is out of date, but I don't have the time to adjust it continuously to be always in sync with the latest. If you are interested in developing and testing your Groovy scripts, I'd suggest you check...
For the second one, you have more options, like "i" in options to find using case insensitive. And about the "string", you can use like ".string." (%string%), or "string.*" (string%) and ".*string) (%string) for example. You can use a regular expression as you want. Share...
前言:SCST是一个老版本的linux target实现了,现在基本已经被LIO取代 HOWTO For iSCSI-SCST 这是一个非常快速的HOWTO,旨在提供有关如何设置和配置iSCSI-SCST的快速参考。有关更深入的信息,请参阅SCST和iSCSI-SCST README文件。 使用sc
how to convert sql code to sas code Posted 05-31-2023 05:08 AM (864 views) WITH ACTIVITY AS (SELECT (CASE WHEN closing_INVESTOR_ID = 764626 AND FLAG_PREV_AEGON = 1 THEN 'Aegon' WHEN closing_INVESTOR_ID = 764626 AND FLAG_PREV_AEGON IS NULL THEN 'Aegon-Finco' WHEN closing_...
Example 1: Round to Nearest Integer In the SAS code below, we are rounding values of a variable to the nearest integer. Here name of the variable isnumber. data output_data; set mydata; new_value = round(number); new_value2 = round(number, 1); ...