SP-0540: Human resources in radiation oncology: how to predict changing needs in a changing world?doi:10.1016/s0167-8140(18)30850-8C. GrauElsevier BVRadiotherapy & Oncology
Purpose Anxiety is commonly observed in oncology patients but infrequently screened, assessed or addressed. According to psychosocial guidelines, all healthcare professionals, including radiation therapists, are responsible for the psychosocial care of patients. Radiation therapists (RTs) interact with patients...
Talk to your healthcare provider: Ask the healthcare provider who found or suspects your cancer for recommendations. Ask for two or three names and what their specialties are. Don't be afraid to ask, "If you or someone you loved were in my situation, whom would you go to for treatment?
Breast radiotherapy has been an integral part of the breast cancer treatment and is done after breast surgery. All patients who undergo conservative breast surgery need to receive post-operative radiotherapy, with or without regional lymph node irradiati
Numerous agents targeting various phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway components, including PI3K, AKT and mTOR, have been tested in oncology clinical trials, resulting in regulatory approvals for the treatment of selected patients with breast ca
In this aspect, nanotechnology is a very promising tool for enhancing the use of herbal medicines, or in more accurate words, to re-discover their full potential in pharmaceutical formulation. Extensive libraries of nanoparticles-that can be used for the delivery of natural bioactive compounds to ...
"I tell them that clinical trials are available to women at all stages of the breast cancer journey," she says, refuting the common misconception that trials are only for people currently undergoing chemo or radiation. "I tell them that doctors don't always tell them [about the trials]. ...
We aimed to investigate the impact of socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival in England on the Number of Life-Years Lost (NLYL) due to cancer. We analysed 1.2 million patients diagnosed with one of the 23 most common cancers (92.3% of all inciden
Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, phosphoproteomic and metabolomic analyses of patients with PIK3CA-mutant tumours receiving PI3K inhibitors are needed to discover new pathways for combination therapies in different cancer types. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Acces...
Dosimetrical and radiobiological approach to manage the dosimetric shift in the transition of dose calculation algorithm in radiation oncology: how to impr... Dosimetrical and radiobiological approach to manage the dosimetric shift in the transition of dose calculation algorithm in radiation oncology: ...