Sealing yourasphalt drivewayis an important maintenance step that’s needed to prolong the life and keep it looking like new. Asphalt driveways are a simple yet effective mixture of asphalt, stone and sand. When properly maintained an asphalt driveway can last 15 to 20 years. Maintenance of a...
After patching and filling any cracks or dips in your asphalt driveway, you may also wish to seal your driveway to prevent any further water seepage. Preparation Before patching the crack, it is very important for the affected area to be as clean and smooth as possible so that the ...
An asphalt driveway is an investment that's well worth protecting. A little time spent patching and sealing can extend the life of the blacktop and improve the curb appeal—and value—of your home. There's no better time of year to restore asphalt than right now, before winter arrives wit...
Building a garden on top of asphalt is not as difficult as you might imagine. As long as you have enough sunlight and the spot is not too low, so water won't puddle under the garden, you should have some success. You might find that you actually prefer it to a ground level garden ...
asphalt is composed of a greasy tar material that will not allow good adhesion of the cement block mud. With this in mind, you can prepare your asphalt driveway so that it bonds well with the blocks. The average do-it-yourselfer can complete this project in 1 to 8 hours, depending on...
At the top of the driveway, pour a puddle of the sealer and using a brush applicator, spread a thin, even coat across the driveway in an arc motion. Slowly work your way across the driveway spreading a thin, even layer of the sealer. Asphalt sealer can be purchased at most home imp...
Asphalt is made of crushed stone and gravel, or aggregate, mixed with a binding agent. This material is used to pave roads throughout the world, creating the blacktop road surface that we are familiar with. Those who wish to start an asphalt paving busin
reach in or climb in to avoid sounding the entry alarm and snatch the valuables. All of this can happen in less time than a NASCAR pitstop with no more noise than dropping a pile of pebbles on the asphalt when the safety glass shatters. A good compilation of break ins from Tesla Sentry...
Pro Tip: Preventing mats is much better than having to shave and trim them out! The easiest way to prevent matting is to keep their coat thoroughly brushed. If you have a breed or breed mix whose coat is prone to matting and tangling, make sure to brush out their legs, feet, and ...
When you need to replace a shingle, the best option is to choose a fiberglass or asphalt composite for durability and longevity. These types of shingles are usually available in many colors and textures that allow you to match your existing shingle color for an even, consistent look. Additional...