Vim的diff模式是依赖于diff命令的。Vimdiff的基本用法就是: vimdiff [options] file1 file2 [file3] # vimdiff FILE_LEFT FILE_RIGHT 或者 # vim -d FILE_LEFT FILE_RIGHT 除了用这种方法启动vim的diff模式之外,我们还可以用分割窗口命令来启动diff模式: 同时打开main.cpp和main2.cpp,水平方向分屏: $vimdif...
NodeJS is required as a dependency of the coc.nvim plugin. Install the required version of NodeJS using your favorite package manager. Once NodeJS is installed, close and re-open Vim to install the required coc extensions using the :CocInstall command like so: :CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer...
The second, third and fourth lines have the patternPlug 'user/repo'. To understand what this means, we must go back to what plugins I said I would install. The first plugin wasfzf.vim. If you go to the given hyperlink it will open the project in Github. If you are somewhat familiar...