第一篇:阅读的层次 【第一章至第五章】这一篇的主要观点以这幅思维导图来表达。阅读的高层次自然包...
一、书及作者的背景 《如何阅读一本书》是美国教育家莫提默·J. 艾德勒(Mortimer J.Adler,1902—20...
A proposition in a book is also a declaration. It is an expression of the author's judgment about something. He affirms something he thinks true, or denies something he judges to be false. He asserts this or that to be a fact...
《How to Read a Book》读书方法与技巧笔记:明确阅读目的:阅读非虚构类书籍时,专注于理解作者的核心观点和逻辑结构,快速浏览全文以抓取关键信息,节省时间并提高效率。设定时间限制:为阅读制定时间表,合理规划每本书的阅读时长。每次阅读时专注于特定目标,并在有限时间内最大化知识吸收。间隔休息有...
The “Puppy Dog” Close This closing technique earned a lot of attention after it was mentioned by Tim Ferriss in his popular book,The Four Hour Workweek. Its premise is simple: offer to let well-qualified leads try something out, hoping that – once they experience the value – they’ll...
How To Read A Book 作者是著名教育学家莫提默·J. 艾德勒,他于1940年完成了图书的第1版, 1972年和哥伦比亚大学教授查尔斯·范多伦一起对书籍进行了大幅度增补改写。虽然这本书出版至今已经近半个世纪了,但它书中所提倡的阅读方法和核心理念在今天仍然被无数人推崇,指导着无数人走优秀走向卓越!How To Read...
HOW TO READ A BOOK 《如何读一本书》重点抄写 Part 1 The Dimensions of Reading THE ACTIVITY AND ART OF READING Active Reading By “readers” we mean people who are still accustomed, as almost every literate and intelligent person used to be, to gain a large share of their information about...
127个 上一篇【PEP教材绘本】PEP7 Unit2 Ways to go to school | Lorna Is Upset下一篇【PEP教材绘本】PEP3 Unit4 My home | The Empty Room喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 男孩7岁被拐,13年后参观博物馆,指着一物件哭泣道:这是...
Today, we'll learn how to use all of these like a pro. We'll also figure out how to close apps on a MacBook efficiently and in batches.Issues when closing apps How to fix App not closing Press Option + Command + Escape to force quit. Closing each app takes too long Use QuitAll ...