问题: 如何创建三角网Civil 3D曲面 解决方案: 单击“常用”选项卡“创建地面数据”面板“曲面”下拉列表“创建曲面”“查找”。在“创建曲面”对话框的“类型”列表中,选择“三角网曲面”。 单击以选择图层。有关图层的详细信息,请参见“对象图层”对话框。 注意:如果
问题: 如何在Civil 3D中创建特定特定坡度或坡率的曲面(例如墙)部分,以便可以与其他坡度组合。 解决方案: 要创建一系列坡度,请尝试以下方法之一: 手动一个,使用OFFSETFEATURE 创建新曲面。 选择多段线,即要素线的三维多段线。 键入OFFSETFEATURE。 输入距离或键入...
Solved: HI, I haven't had to create a surface in several years and can't remember how to do it. The in-program help is useless as always as it seems
There are four basic types of 3D modeling: wireframe, surface, solid, and 3D sculpting (or polygonal) modeling. Wireframe modeling shows only the skeletal framework of an object or character using edges and vertices. By contrast, surface modeling uses a polygonal mesh to show a 3D model’s...
There are four basic types of 3D modeling: wireframe, surface, solid, and 3D sculpting (or polygonal) modeling. Wireframe modeling shows only the skeletal framework of an object or character using edges and vertices. By contrast, surface modeling uses a polygonal mesh to show a 3D model’s...
問題: Civil 3D で 2 つのサーフェスをマージする方法を教えてください。たとえば、ある領域内の古い測量データを新しい測量データに置き換える際に、元のサーフェス データを失いたくありません。しかし、2 つのサーフェスを一緒に貼り付けると、希望...
I'm comfortable with autocad and just downloaded the trial of C3D. I imported some topo data of an existing sloping site and created a surface... I have a polyline of the house pad that I want to cut / fill to meet, but I'm not sure how I go about doing this.....
Unlike TEMs, which produce images of the insides of materials, and SEMs, which show up 3D surfaces, STMs are designed to make detailed images of the atoms or molecules on the surface of something like a crystal. They work differently to TEMs and SEMs too: they have an extremely sharp ...
CSClip System(Nerf) CSCaught Stealing(Baseball) CSCore Systems CSComputer Science CSComputer Society CSChristian Science CSCase(s) CSContext Switch CSComputing Science CSCommon Software CSCustomer Service CSComputer Studies CSCommunication Server(back-end network terminology) ...
So far so good. You have understood how drone technology works and now it’s time to learn more about the applications of drone technology. Drone mapping is a relatively new technology and we are only scratching the surface. Check out this video on How to do Drone Mapping for more details...