Mt.Rainierisaseriousendeavorandonethatdemandsgoodphysicalfitness. ItisourgoaltohelpyouproperlyprepareforyourupcomingMt.Rainierclimb.Werealizethat manyofourcustomershaveneverclimbedalargemountainbeforeandareunsureaboutexactly howtotrainforaclimbofsuchmagnitude.Wewilltrytohelpbyexplainingasclearlyas ...
The hike quickly gains elevation as you climb a ridge line through old-growth trees and along a rocky ridge. On calm days, Lake Cora (1,800 feet below the tower) reflects the mountains and trees around it, creating a beautiful mirror effect. Bring a headlamp and stay for sunset to ...
What NOT to bring: Don’t bring canned goods, liquid sauces, or food that takes a long time to cook, such as rice. All of those add unnecessary weight to your pack. Remember, in most cases, you’ll have to pack your trash back out with you, and cans are heavy and bulky. For co...
Once you get to the Island, both the North and South end invite you with a long climb up roughly 400 ft before leveling out. The Vashon Highway runs from the North end ferry terminal to the South end ferry terminal (Seattle to Tacoma) about 13.6 miles total. There are many routes you...
Climb Explore Explore Underwater Photograph Study Primitive Cultures In Swim In Visit CategoryItems Accomplish Become an Eagle Scout (√) Dive in a submarine (√) Land on and take of from an aircraft carrier (√) Fly in a blimp, balloon and glider (√) ...
Opening with one dirt lane in August 1861, the Mt. Washington Auto Road is considered America’s oldest manmade attraction. Its steep, winding climb and the area’s ever-changing weather conditions make the drive unpredictable and dangerous. Drivers fond of heights and narrow mountain roads sans...
The Speedcross 5 offers incredible traction, so whether it’s muddy or you have to climb over a few slippery rocks to get where your going, this hiking footwear has you covered. They are also fast drying so don’t worry about wet terrain. ...
The sport of mountaineering began to take hold in the United States in the early 1900s and advanced after World War II as new equipment began to be used to climb cracks in mountain facades. Death Valley Rock Topical Press Agency // Getty Images Death Valley Rock An early visitor sits atop...