When in a pinch, people who need to clean foggy headlights immediately have a few other options that can also get the job done. Toothpaste and baking soda can be effective cleansers for cleaning headlights. Both products are abrasive enough to take off the fog without scratching or damaging t...
Unlike somecommon car issues, foggy headlights are rather easy to fix and don’t cost much. Modern vehicles come equipped with polycarbonate plastic which is more durable and scratch-resistant. However, frequent exposure to sunlight and UV rays causes the breakdown and degradation of the outer lay...
First, it is important to identify the general cause of your foggy headlights. If you see condensation inside, that means there is a leak in your headlight seal that is letting moisture in. While this isn’t a huge problem, it is one that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Al...
Headlights are a tool to enable safe driving. Anytime the weather conditions deteriorate, it’s a good idea to turn your headlights on. Not only will it help you see more clearly, but it will also help other drivers see you. Here are the state laws regarding headlight use as related to...
A similar problem occurs on a foggy day or night. "The light just doesn't get through," McCulley explains. That's why we're able to see that candle flame flickering when there's a dark night sky, but not when it's cloudy out. The Human Eye Isn't Perfect Even though we can ...
A clear windscreen is essential for good vision when driving on the road. A bonded windscreen is an integral part of the vehicle body, contributing towards strength and stiffness. Whether it's a foggy windscreen or a small crack, read on to learn how to stop your windscreen from becoming da...
Are car headlights getting brighter? Ask around, and you’ll find it’s a common grumble among anyone that drives, especially those that frequently take to the road first thing in the morning or at night. They’ll tell you that on an unlit road, e...
Use a polarizing filter to reduce reflections if needed. Try shooting from higher ground, like a cliff, for a unique perspective. Including hints of human presence, like car headlights, can enhance your photos. Take multiple exposures during changing light conditions, like sunset, to capture the...
Actually I drove to work this morning and it was foggy as all hell. Now I am thinking about how to hook up the lights so that if I turn on the fog light switch, it'll send 12V through a voltage booster and send 24V to the front lights. So I can use the same lamps as both po...
15. The weather will be warming up soon. Whether you're standing in the grocery checkout line ormeeting new people at a party, the weather is a popular conversation starter. Many of us keep the weather forecast on our phones, and it helps us decide what we're going to do for the da...