Read More:Excel VBA: Clear Contents If Cell Contains Specific Values Method 2 – Clearing Range of Cells with Excel VBA We will use theClearmethod inVBAto clear cellsB7:C9, which are marked withgreencolor. Steps: FollowedStep 1ofMethod 1to get aModule. Insert the following code in theModu...
Step 1 – Creating a VBA Module to Clear Cells in Excel Go to the Developer tab and click Visual Basic. You can also press ALT + F11 to open the “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications” window. In “Insert”, select “Module’”. Step 2 – Inserting a VBA Code in the Module In...
Clear or remove all formatting applied to cells and cell data with Kutools for Excel Sometimes you not only apply the formatting to the cells, but also apply different formatting for the cell content. For removing all kinds of cell formatting no matter applied to entire cell or applied to onl...
Please do as follows to make specific cells unselectable in an Excel worksheet. 1. Click the button at the top left corner of worksheet to select all cells. Then press the Ctrl + 1 keys simultaneously to open the Format Cells dialog box. ...
This means that the cells can neither be deleted nor formatted or edited in any way. However, in some cases, users might forget the protection password. This is where we come in! We will guide you on how to unlock cells in Excel with a known password as well as with a forgotten passw...
Excel provides a lot of formatting options that can be useful to make your data more readable. However, it can also be frustrating when you accidentally format the wrong cells and want to clear all the formatting at once.This tutorial will show you how to clear formatting in Excel to start...
To clear formatting in a specific row or column, select that row or column instead of individual cells. While your cells are selected, inExcel's ribbon at the top, click the "Home" tab. On the "Home" tab, in the "Editing" section, click the "Clear" option. ...
Find and Select Cells by Specific Value Say you have a data set with names in three columns (B, C, and D), as shown below. Toselect all cellsthat contain a specific value (for example,Michael), follow these steps: In theRibbon, go toHome > Find & Select >Find. ...
Example: Someone highlighted the row, added formatting, now rows K - end of time have lines in them. Same for columns. When I find the end...
5 Common Ways to Make All Cells the Same Size in Excel Let's explore the five possible answers to the question of how to resize all cells equally in Excel. Method 1: Using the Mouse to Make the Same Size for All Cells Manually