Oss.str(""); // empty the ostringstream object buffer. // Oss.clear(); // if stream was in fail state. // do something here of the stm, i don't know ... Oss<<"not a string"; std::cout<<Oss. str(); return 0; }
Hello, I would like to compile baresip with the webrtc aec module. But in compiling it gives me an error as it requires the file echo_cancellation.h which I believe is part of the WEBRTC SDK. Is there a guide explaining how to integrate ...
My goal is to write this program and make it as comprehensive as possible but also with very few lines. Oct 17, 2013 at 1:02pm JLBorges(13770) #include <limits> line 10: 1 2 // stringstream output;ostringstream output ; line 25: ...
()); } catch (const exception& e) { wostringstream str; str << e.what(); dm->Status = L"Not connected. Error: " + ref new String(str.str().c_str()); } }); } // Enables the user to select a photo from their local pictures library and upload it // to the specified ...
First, we need to read the file contents and store them in astd::stringobject.readFileIntoStringfunction utilizesstd::ostringstreamandrdbufto read the file and returnstringvalue to the caller function. Once the previous step is done successfully, we can construct astd::istringstreamfrom thestringob...
{ wostringstream ss; ss << L"BingLocationService: Failed to parse resource set for (" << latitude << L',' << longitude << ')'; return addressString.append(ss.str()); } const json::value& resourceSets = v[L"resourceSets"]; int32_t estimatedTotal = resourceSets[0][L"estimated...
(serverInfo->ai_family, serverInfo->ai_socktype, serverInfo->ai_protocol);if(socketFileDescriptor == INVALID_SOCKET ) { std::ostringstream err; err <<"socket() error: "<< WSAGetLastError() <<std::endl;throwConnectionError(err.str()); } ... }catch(ConnectionError& ex) { std::cerr ...
()); } catch (const exception& e) { wostringstream str; str << e.what(); dm->Status = L"Not connected. Error: " + ref new String(str.str().c_str()); } }); } // Enables the user to select a photo from their local pictures library and upload it // to the specified ...
()); } catch (const exception& e) { wostringstream str; str << e.what(); dm->Status = L"Not connected. Error: " + ref new String(str.str().c_str()); } }); } // Enables the user to select a photo from their local pictures library and upload it // to the specified ...