How to clear notifications on an iPhone or iPad While you can simply swipe up on the notification that appears on the screen when you are using an app on your iPhone to clear the notification, you must head to the Notifications Center to clear all previously received notifications. Swipe down...
Turn off DND or Focus:If you have enabledDo Not Disturb(DND) or anotherFocus modeon your iPhone, go to Control Center and turn it off. After this, restart your device and go to Notification Settings and you should see the Badges option. Force restart your iPhone:This is different from a...
By default, notification counters do not appear in the App Library. Many iPhone users prefer to minimize the number of apps on the home screen via the use of the App Library, so if you prefer to see numbered alert badges while using the library, you must enable this option. Here's how...
Now openagain, tapFocus, then enable the Focus mode for which you just opted to hide notification badges. Note that when you have a Focus mode enabled, it syncs across Apple devices, so the same settings will apply to your Mac as well as your iPhone or iPad, for example...
Unfortunately, you cannot view notifications once you've deleted them. If you delete, clear, or open one, it will no longer appear on your iPhone's lock screen, and there's no way to retrieve it. If the notifications have not been deleted and can't be seen when you first turn on yo...
I would like to remove the application badge number so I use the UIApplication.applicationIconBadgeNumber property. The thing is that when I set it to 0, it also removes all the apps's notifications from the notification center which I don't want. This description of this method does not...
apple how-tos you can trust. by amy spitzfaden both may 27, 2021 updated may 27, 2021 get iphone tips this article tells you how to enable app notification badges in the app library. while the app library does a wonderful job keeping our home screens clear of excess apps, many people ...
Also Read: How to Change Snapchat Notification Sound on Android Where are iPhone Notifications Stored? Unfortunately, notifications are not stored anywhere on iPhone or any iOS device. Once you tap on those notifications or clear them, they are gone forever, and you cannot get them back as the...
11 ways to fix reminders not working on iPhone or iPad Here are effective solutions to help resolve your reminder issues, ensuring you never miss an important task again! 1. Check iPhone Reminders notification settings Reminders will not function as expected if you unknowingly or accidentally disabl...
This pop-up is very confusing for users as the application doesn't produce any notifications. This pop-up does not appear on Catalina. How can I stop it appearing on Big Sur? I have tried setting NSUserNotificationAlertStyle to none in Info.plist but this hasn't made any difference. Boo...