The log wasnottruncated because recordsatthe beginningofthe log are pending replicationorChange Data Capture. Ensure the Log Reader Agentorcapture jobisrunningoruse sp_repldonetomark transactionsasdistributedorcaptured. 看第一句话就够了,意思很清楚,之所以不能truncate, 因为我的log还在Pending replication。
As the head of the log continues to advance due to normal database activity, it now has room to grow by re-using the free VLF 1. This will cause an active log wrap around: the log starts reusing free\ VLFs inside the LDF file and advancing the head of the log no longer causes phy...
How to: Restore a Transaction Log Backup (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Restore to a Point in Time (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Restore a Database to a Marked Transaction (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Restore a Backup from a Device (SQL Server Management Studio...
To maintain or update an instance of SQL Server, you must be a local administrator with permission to log on as a service. Consider the following important information before you use this procedure to uninstall SQL Server: We recommend that you use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to ...
modellog.ldf mssqlsystemresource.mdf mssqlsystemresource.ldf ReportServer[$InstanceName]数据和日志文件2 ReportServer[$InstanceName]TempDB数据和日志文件2 1无法备份tempdb系统数据库。 2SQL Server Reporting Services 附带 ReportServer 数据库。 停止所有 SQL Server 服务。建议先停止所有 SQL Server 服务,然后再...
columns. Now you can check all information and processes which have been used by SQL Server to create the database and table. We will run the below code to check the log file for this newly created database to check what processes and steps SQL Server took to create the database and ...
The following steps can be implemented to connect PostgreSQL to SQL Server using Hevo: Step 1: Configure PostgreSQL as your Source Connect Hevo Data with PostgreSQL providing a unique name for your Pipeline, along with details such as Database Host, Database Port, Database User, Database Pass...
“Error: 3041, Severity: 16, State: 1 BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE WITH DIFFERENTIAL. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.“ I had a full backup of the database, but somehow I failed earlier today in the morning. I checked the event viewer which...
log is updated again that the transaction has been completed. So, if the SQL Server crashes in between the transaction, SQL Server recovery process starts the database after the crash and reads from the log to recover accordingly. This is the reason that if the SQL Server log file is damag...
默认情况下,SQL Server 安装程序会在 %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\Setup Bootstrap\Log 内带有日期和时间戳的文件夹中创建日志文件,其中 nnn 是与正在安装的 SQL 版本相对应的数字。 带有时间戳的日志文件夹的名称格式为 YYYYMMDD_hhmmss。 在无人参与模式下执行安装程序时,将在 %temp%\sqlset...