if you want to clear a setting call localStorage.remove('key'); where ‘key’ is the key of the value you want to remove. If you want to clear all settings call localStorage.clear(). Local storage is perfect for storing things like settings. If, however, you want to store data on ...
if you want to clear a setting call localStorage.remove('key'); where ‘key’ is the key of the value you want to remove. If you want to clear all settings call localStorage.clear().Local storage is perfect for storing things like settings. If, however, you want to store data on a ...
How do I clear the files content or specific part of the localstorage inside the file at teardown. const authFile = 'playwright/.auth/user.json'; await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile }); So I would like to change the localStorage values inside the user.json in my tear...
// ✅ delete all localStorage data in current page/ domainlocalStorage.clear(); // ✅ delete some items of all localStorage data in current page/ domainlocalStorage.removeItem('userMaps');localStorage.removeItem('settingsMaps'); MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Sto...
How do I use LocalStorage in Navigation? How do I resolve the performance issue caused by the long duration of key generation in the third parameter of ForEach? How do I prevent the display of intermediate transition tab pages when switching pages in the Tab component? Why does performanc...
How do I use LocalStorage in Navigation? How do I resolve the performance issue caused by the long duration of key generation in the third parameter of ForEach? How do I prevent the display of intermediate transition tab pages when switching pages in the Tab component? Why does performanc...
Cleaner code structure: In earlier HTML versions, only the div tag was used across the webpage which didn’t make it clear for the browser in terms of semantics. Thus many new semantic tags like header, footer, section, article, etc were introduced in order to avoid confusio...
In the example above, the item is removed from the cookie using the clearCookie() function. Similarly, unnecessary data is cleared from local storage using the win.localStorage.removeItem() function. The cookie is set with the session ID using the same function. This is just an example, and...
clear(): Clear all localStorage key(): Passed a number to retrieve nth key of a localStorage You can use clear(), this method when invoked clears the entire storage of all records for that domain. It does not receive any parameters. ...
@bpaserois there a recommended way to clear out workspace cache other than just removing the files? (will that remove anything else unintentionally?) bpasero commentedon Feb 6, 2018 bpasero on Feb 6, 2018 Member @ffxsamopen an empty window and typewindow.localStorage.clear()into dev console...