It's also a good idea to manage which apps backup to your iCloud storage; this will help to reduce the size of future backups; here's how: In the iCloud storage overview, under the graphical breakdown, toggle off apps you don't want to back up to your iCloud storage. Tip:If you...
In order to clear up storage, you will be more effective if you know the cause and culprit of what’s using it. Photos, videos, iCloud backups, messages, and docs are all contributors to this. In order to see what your storage is on your iPhone, head to Settings, Apple ID, click...
If you use your iCloud address for email, your email is also backed up to your free 5GB of storage. You can delete unnecessary emails with large attachments to quickly free up gigabytes of iCloud space. Here’s how to delete iCloud email attachments: Go to the Mail app Then tap Edit...
Apple’s iCloud is a data storage subscription service for your Apple devices. If you get to a point where you no longer want to pay for an iCloud subscription, it may not be clear how to cancel and what happens to your data when you do. Read on to learn more about how to cancel...
By now, iCloud has become the heartbeat of Apple's ecosystem, providing seamless synchronization for third-party apps across your devices, affordable storage, device tracking features, and access to Apple's own suite of apps, from Mail to Reminders to Numbers to Photos. The most amazing thing...
Double check the value in the iCloud storage section. On an iPhone/iPad, go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Storage. On a Mac, go to System Settings (or System Preferences) > [your name] > iCloud > Manage. You can also see the storage on by clicking the 2nd ...
If you don't need so muchiCloudstorage space for your data, findMac iCloud Drive not syncing, or you simply don't want to sync your files to iCloud anymore, you can get down to downgrade or cancel your iCloud subscription. So,how to cancel iCloud storageon your Mac, iPhone, iPad,...
MacKeeper ⭐ Do you want to free up your iCloud storage when it is full? ✅ Read our article to know how to manage data and backups on Mac
MacKeeper ⭐ Want to free up disk space on your Mac? ✅ Read our article to find out how to clear storage on your MacBook
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