Gentle scrubbing sloughs off dead, dull, flaky skin cells and revs up circulation, revealing smooth, soft, sexy legs and thighs. Often neglected until warm weather rolls around, the skin on the legs takes a beating, thanks to exposure to sunlight, changes in humidity and temperature, and fri...
however, include clogged pores from leftover makeup, acne from dirt and oil, and dry, flaky skin. To achieve a fresh look every morning, start a nighttime ritual of removing your makeup, cleansing your face and
Ever wonder what you're doing wrong in your skincare regimen? It might be that you're missing the exfoliation step! Learn how to exfoliate your face and body the right way and what products you should continue to use to help your skin glow, prevent wrink
“Adding in afternoon and late-morning moisturizing in addition to morning and night might be all you need.” The good news? There is a light at the end of this Netflix-and-WFH tunnel: Clear skin awaits. “I have seen many of my patients break out while in quarantine, but I would ...
If you’re asking yourself, “How can I make my skin clear?” or “How to get clear skin fast?”, Cetaphil has some helpful tips.
How to reduce redness on face fast, whether from rosacea, dry skin, acne or stress. Learn what causes redness on the face and how to get rid of it overnight.
Learn skin care tips, advice and science for addressing skin concerns with routines, techniques and products to help improve the look and feel of your skin.
Talc can be commonly found in eye shadows and face powders. Usually, this substance is made from silicon, oxygen, hydrogen, and magnesium. While talc is usually safe to use on the skin, there have been instances where huge companies have had problems purifying talc. This can be a problem,...
"Products with salicylic acid (a Beta Hydroxy Acid, aka BHA) help dissolve the 'cement' that holds the dead skin cells on the skin’s surface, allowing them to be shed more efficiently, helping dull, dry, or flaky skin and clogged pores," explains Lortscher. He adds, "BHA is best ...
Beauty tips and advice to make sure you look fantastic. Help with makeup, skin and hair as well tips for making you look great from top to toe.