The Michigan Ear Institute recommends the following if you are flying and want to avoid a clogged ear:• Do not fly if you have an acute upper respiratory infection. • Do not fly if you have a cold, allergy attack or sinus infection. • Chew gum to stimulate swallowing. ...
If the idea of flying makes you nervous, you're not alone. Thankfully, there are a few simple steps you can take to alleviate anxiety before or during your next flight. Learning more about aircraft technology, choosing the right seat, or distracting yourself with an epic movie marathon on ...
You can clear blocked eustachian tubes with medications, home remedies, and surgery. However, eustachian tube treatment often isn't needed as a blocked tube usually gets better on its own. Eustachian tubes are inside the ears and connect the middle ear to the back of the nose. They help the...
Depending on the species of cat, the size of the ears can vary. In this case the ears are bigger than you may think, so make sure to compare them with the rest of the head. Also notice how the head connects to the neck, and how the neck extends into the chest. 08. Get the ...
During the Cold War from the 1950s to the 1980s, shortwave radio enthusiasts across the world began noticing weird broadcasts that would often start with music or the sound of beeps, which would be followed by even more strangeness -- the voice of a woman counting in German, for example,...
Who hasn’t had an argument about whose turn it is to take out the rubbish or who should be the one to clear up after dinner? However, living with another person also comes with many benefits. You know that there’s always someone else around, which can help you feel safer. There is...
(And we know "bug" is not a scientific term for an insect, but we're dealing with a simile here). So could such creepy critters have cute ears? Highly unlikely. But more to the point, bugs don't generally have ears. At least not the kind of ears we think about -- those two ...
A homemade fly trap, made of solutions like sugar and apple cider vinegar, can get rid of pests indoors and outdoors. See these easy tutorials to make your own.
Echolocation allows bats to fly at night as well as in dark caves. This is a skill they probably developed so they could locate night-flying insects that birds can’t find. It would be impossible for bats to fly around at night without echolocation. © James Hager/Robert Harding/Getty ...
While science may have disproven the link between wet heads and catching colds, it's still no fun to sit around with a head full of wet hair, especially in the winter. Hair dryers, also known as blow dryers, were first sold in the 1920s. At first they were pretty dangerous to use ...