1. Clear Entire Command Line History Using History Command To clear the entire command line history in terminal, use the history command: $ history -c Or $ history -cw The above line of commands will clear the command history or bash history. 2. Clear Specific Command History Using History ...
With the above few mentions, perfecting the usage of the Linux terminal environment should introduce us to other exciting milestones. However, we can all agree that our bond with the Linux terminal screen becomes better if we know how to clear our workspace once we are done with the above-me...
In this article, we will show you two simple ways to clear your command-line history on a Linux system. The major reason for removing command-line history from the Linux terminal is to prevent another user, who could be using the same account. For instance if you have typed a command th...
4. Use /dev/null to Clear a Log File The command/dev/nullis an electronic document with file-handling procedures. Whatever you save to the/dev/nulldevice will be permanently lost; that’s why it is called the black hole of Linux. cat /dev/null >file.log The command “cat” prints t...
After I installedcondaon my Deepin system, I suddenly found that there are "(base)"s before my every command line. I don't know what it means, but I want to delete it immediately because I am a Minimalists. So the following command lines(copied fromhttps://blog.csdn.net/u014734886/...
use umask 022 if you want everyone to be able to see all of the files and directories that you create, and use umask 077 if you don’t. (You’ll need to put the umask command with the desired mode in one of your startup files to make your new default permissions apply to later ...
Even a beginner in Linux must know how to clear a terminal screen to navigate efficiently in the CLI environment. This short tutorial contains three methods to do so: the clear command, the CTRL+L keyboard shortcut, and an ANSI escape sequence. The clear command and the keyboard shortcut ...
Putting it all together, you get something like “ls tried to open /dsafsda but couldn’t because it doesn’t exist.” This may seem obvious, but these messages can get a little confusing when you run a shell script that includes an erroneous command under a different name. ...
This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may ...
Linux How to remove printer from command line To remove the printerPrinterName lpadmin-xPrinterName To check that it has been removed: lpstat-pPrinterName-l You must have an error indicating that the printer does not exist. If you found this post or this website helpful and would like to ...