The method for a Full Moon Cleanse is similar to the Sunlight Cleanse. However, for the most potency, you will want to embrace a full ceremony overnight with candles, incense, astrological readings, Tarot, sacred plants, or any other spiritual ritual that resonates with you. Once you have ...
To energetically cleanse the space, you could usesound(e.g., clapping your hands or using a singing bowl),scent(e.g., burning incense or herbs),light(e.g., lighting a candle or opening the windows and letting the sunshine in),visualization, or even simplydustandsweepthe room. If the ...
How to Do a House Blessing How do I Cleanse a House With a Sage Stick & Sea Salt? 1Christian Prayers Priests, ministers or deacons are invited to perform a house blessing for a Christian home. Most ceremonies include a recitation of scripture, call-and-response prayers involving the particip...
Many people associate the color white with God, pink with love and purple with royalty or spirituality. The following is a brief outline of primary colors and their common interpretation. To cleanse your aura, Sage, Incense, Sweet grass and Florida Water, I sell the products on my other site...
but particularly sage and palo santo, should be mindfully, ethically, and sustainably sourced. You can also clean your home in preparation for the ritual with a cinnamon broom, Florida water, or even a flower essence. A ritual bath beforehand can also be a beautiful way to cleanse, ground,...
My favorite way to cleanse most paper items is with sacred smoke. I’ll leave you to choose what incense you would like to burn but obviously you want something that has a clean, clear, scent. Cedar, Juniper, Bay, and White Sage all bring this to mind for me. ...
Egg Cleanse for the HouseThis clean is very good for when we want to clean the house of the bad energies and also serves to remove the spirits that might be around and we can not get rid of. You will need:4 eggs 4 glasses of water 1 large bunch of rue Charcoal Incense Stove Salt...
Cleanse the room with smoke. Hold the smudge stick on the unlit end or cradle the charcoal incense burner in your hand and move in a clockwise direction through the room. Methodically direct the smoke up and down walls, concentrating on the perimeters of doors and windows. Use your hand to...
incense or smudge for blessing your ingredients First, cleanse and bless all of your ingredients with some incense or herbal smoke. Next place your stones, herbs and charms inside the bottle and screw on the lid. You can then decorate the outside of the jar with your fabric and/or ribbon...
Witches and shamans and many spiritual masters use salt to cleanse both a person and a place. Water Water, is one of the best things you can use to ward off spiritual attacks. You can have small zen fountain to induce the movement of water into your space. Priests use holy water when ...