If you go to clean your bathroom and reach straight for the rags and sprays, you’re going to get frustrated. Dusting first, paying particular attention to the toilet andbaseboards, but also running your duster over light fixtures, counters, and even the edges of the bathtub will make your ...
How To Wipe Your Butt: Step 4. Now you are ready for the final cleansing stage. Using a wet wipe, repeat Step 3 until absolutely no remnants remain. You may use moist wipes designed for adult bathroom use or baby wipes. Wet wipes: modern civilization at its finest. This is an oft-ig...
You may be wondering why you have to clean a bathtub — doesn’t it stay clean because there is always soap and water flowing around in it? Not exactly. Here’s why it’s smart to learn how to clean your bathtub regularly, along with a step-by-step guide to doing it the right way...
Before you work through how to tile a bathroom, you’ll need to consider the room’s size and tile type. If you have small bathrooms, you’ll want to avoid large bathroom tiles, as they will create an even smaller feel. From a cleaning point of view, however, the bigger, the better...
Clean the Toilet The toilet is both the least pleasant and the most important part of your bathroom to clean! ✦ Clean the exterior of the toilet.Wipe all toilet surfaces clean with a Domex (Not forgetting the toilet handle to keep it germ-free, as well as the underside of the toilet...
Step 2: Prep Your Bathroom Before you clean your dirty bathtub with bleach, open your bathroom windows and your bathroom door. Every time I clean with bleach, I notice I can easily get light-headed from the fumes if I forget to open a window. Again, although it’s an effective cleaner...
Step 2: Deep Clean Before you start to put back those items that you decided to keep from the decluttering process, give your bathroom a thorough deep cleaning from top to bottom. Since the cupboards are already emptied and the counters are cleaned off, it will make it much quicker and ...
Follow our step-by-step guide to clean your oven quickly and thoroughly, with no expensive products required.
How to clean a bathroom sink drain in 7 easy steps 1. Remove any clogs or debris you can reach. First things first: if there’s an easy-to-spot and easy-to-reach clog (we’re talking clumps of hair, globs of toothpaste … you get the idea), use your fingers and/or any other ...
Your Tips When to Babyproof Your Bathroom Of all the rooms in your house, babyproofing the bathroom may seem easy to put last. After all, your baby won’t be mobile for the first few months of their life, and you can lock bathroom doors. ...