Taxi drivers in a Chinese megacity are frequently exposed to traffic-related particulate matter (PM2.5) due to their job nature, busy road traffic, and urban density. A robust method to quantify dynamic population exposure to PM2.5 among taxi drivers is
I've got a modest number of hours in ONI so far (about 63) and I have never gotten to the "late game". In every game I seem to hit a point at which I "stall out", because my dupes are no longer capable of achieving any task in a reasonable timeframe, and...
The absurd paradox is that we could breathe air that is “officially” clean (i.e., polluted below the law limits), but in fact composed of thousands of particles that have a potentially devastating impact on our lungs, our blood and our health” [15]. As a result, current legal ...
Her journey must take her to the paradise place of Avalon Island whose environment is supposed to be in total opposition to the polluted world she has always known. Following her journey and the shattering of her illusion, the girl becomes a young adult on Avalon Island and ends up leaving ...