darker tone of the brass would begin to appear. In order to remove the residue left by the acetone, I did rub Nevr-Dull polish on the brass to clean the brass. It has been 3 weeks and although the high shine is reduced, the tone of the brass is the same. Any next steps that ...
Surprisingly, prehistoric people living before the advent of the toothbrush had very few dental problems. This was likely due to their diet of unprocessed, fibrous foods. Conveniently, their food helped clean their teeth while they ate. Ancient Egyptians Filled Their Teeth With Barley, Ochre, Or ...
Dark sodas, like Coke or Pepsi, contain phosphoric acid that can break down the oxidized copper on the surface of pennies, revealing the pure copper underneath. Dark soda is a surprisingly versatile cleaning liquid. You can even clean your toilet with Coke! Warning: Do not use this method on...