I have to admit, I never really paid attention to the inside of my oven door. I simply ignored the fact that baked-on food had been accumulating foryears. While there are lots of tips and tricks on how to clean a glass over door, I love this method because it uses one simple, natu...
particularly tea tree oil, which acts as a natural degreaser. "For cleaning the oven glass, I also like to make a spray of equal parts water and distilled white vinegar with a few drops of added lemon oil for scent,"
This is where you utilize the baking soda and vinegar goodness, as well. How to freshen and clean your garbage disposal with BS/V: Start by running hot water through your garbage disposal for a minute. Pour about 1/4 c. baking soda into the drain. Flip the garbage disposal on for 2 ...
Shut the door and leave the oven to cool, this can take around 30 minutes. Be sure you are comfortable with the oven temperature before returning to it. Wipe down your oven. Mix a paste of baking soda and lemon juice, you can use this mixture to scrub any hard to remove areas. How ...
How to clean oven trays with baking soda and vinegar Put equal parts of baking soda and white vinegar in a sink filled with hot water. Place the tray in the sink and let it soak for an hour. Then grab a non-scratch scouring pad and scrub well. ...
Begin by removing your oven racks. These likely need a good clean too, so place them to soak in your sink with hot water and a splash of vinegar. Meanwhile, mix equal parts water, baking soda and vinegar in a bowl to create a spreadable paste. ...
Clean the Oven Racks This is actually my least favorite part of cleaning the oven. I filled a bowl with some dish soap, wet a microfiber cloth, and ran it along each of the rungs on the rack. I also mixed up a little paste of cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide to use on the...
Step 2: Clean the inside of the oven Over time, food can build up on the walls of your oven, which is why it’s important to clean the inside of the oven frequently. Wiping the oven interior down with baking soda and vinegar or lemon juice can help you remove stubborn splatters and ...
Stove Tops: Make a paste with cream of tartar (50/50) to clean stove tops, element rings and drip pans. More suggestionscan be found here. DIY Softscrub: Mix with baking soda and liquid dish detergent–perfect for grimy spots on appliances. You’ll find the recipeon this page. ...
How to Clean a Stainless Steel Dutch Oven How to remove rust from a Dutch oven How do I season my Dutch oven? How do you store a Dutch oven properly? From stovetop to oven and back again, a good Dutch oven is the heavyweight champion of cookware. Because they're known to evenly ...