How to Clean Baby’s Umbilical Cord Don't be afraid to clean your newborn's umbilical cord. Be sure that you have washed your hands before handling the cord. If the umbilical cord becomes soiled with urine or feces, you should clean the area when you change your baby’s diaper. To ...
Keeping your baby's skin clean is essential to good health, and bath time is also a wonderful bonding experience. Most experts recommend giving your newborn a sponge bath 2 or 3 times per week. Learn how to keep your baby clean in between baths. Preparing for Your Newborn’s Bath Make ...
His first bath in a tub should be gentle and quick; however, you might need to go back to sponge baths if your baby fusses a lot and simply doesn’t like this new activity. Learnhow to clean your baby’s eyes, ears, and nose, as this is a delicate area for your newborn. Can Y...
cruelty-free and sensitive baby wet wipesto really clean the entire area – front and back and in the inner creases of their groin – as residue left behind can cause nappy rash. Check out ournewborn baby nappy rash tipsarticle for more information on this commonbaby skin condition and...
How to dry a newborn after a bath Here’s how to wrap up your baby’s bath, including a bit about rinsing, drying and using lotion: Rinse well.Use clean, warm water for that final rinse cycle, holding your little one football-style, with the back of his head cradled in one hand,...
Cleaning the umbilical cord and belly button with rubbing alcohol helps keep it clean and prevents infection. If you notice dried discharge around the area, use the alcohol to clean it off. If your newborn's belly button bleeds, hold a gauze pad over it for 10 minutes. If it continues ...
A good old sponge bath is the best way to clean your baby during the first few weeks. Your baby will likely still have their umbilical cord stump, which we need to care for the best we can. While this area is healing, keep it as dry as possible. That means no tub bath if you ca...
How to improve newborn outcomes in 60s—delay clamping the umbilical cordDeferred cord clampingBirthInfantInfant mortalityDeferred umbilical cord clamping (DCC) has been employed with wide variation in the United States over the last few decades. This practice has the potential to improve infant ...
As soon as they arrived home, a woman came to cut the cord and wash the baby. It was not until all of this was accomplished and Salamata had taken a bath herself, that the newborn received its first feed. Salamata said that she had lost 3 children in the past. Two of them had ...
See what to expect in the first weeks at home with your newborn baby: feeding, diaper changes, crying, sleep, and more.