Haier'sFRONT LOAD WASHER DRYER COMBO WITH DIRECT MOTION MOTORis packed with innovative features like ABT. It's an anti-bacterial technology that kills 99.99% of germs, making it the most hygienic household appliance for your clothes. How to clean the gasket? Apply distilled white vinegar around...
How to Clean With Washing Soda 15 Ways to Clean With Lemon Around the House The Best Cleaning Products on Amazon What NOT to Clean With All-Purpose Cleaner The Great Shower Curtain Debate: Open or Closed? 10 Surprising Things Your Garment Steamer Can Do ...
What You Need to Clean Your Washing Machine If your washer gets heavy use day-to-day, you should run through this cleaning cycle once weekly or bi-weekly. You can get away with cleaning less often if you’re not using your machine often, but you should set a reminder to thorough...
Next, you will need to clean the actual vent. Remove any large clumps of lint build-up that are visible and check between the folds. If you have a flexible vent, squish it together to make it as short as possible, so you can see through from one end to the other. Use your vacuum ...
Sort your laundry before putting them in the washer. This way, you don’t accidentally include your Dickies jeans with the clothes that you need to wash with hot water. Use cold water or lukewarm water when hand washing or machine-washing your pants. ...
My HE front loading washing machine is the cleanest it’s ever been after only two weeks. And no odor! The glass door used to get this gunk on it. No more gunk! I think that was soap residue mixed with body oils. And my clothes smell fresh and clean. I use baking soda in the ...
t allow clothes to tumble or clean properly, so make sure you don't pack the washer drum tightly. Ensure all clothing items are fully loaded into the drum before closing the door. If you only plan to wash one or two items, add a couple of clean towels to the load to help balance ...
Decluttering isn’t just a one-time thing. To keep that minimalistic vibe you're after, declutter for 10 minutes each day. If that’s not feasible for you, try to clean out and organize your home every two weeks or once a month. This keeps clutter manageable and keeps you from feeling...
Clothes and Capacity: Sorting Out Your Haier Washing Machine's Limits Avoiding overloading your washer is one of the most important aspects of maintaining clean clothing. To thoroughly get rid of the smell and stains, clothes need to be able to be immersed in the detergent and water solution...
Don’t Leave Clothes Inside the Washer Don’t let your clothes sit. I will admit that I used to have a bad habit of letting my clothes sit in the washing machine for a few hours after I washed them. It was never a problem with my old machine, but with my HE machine, the clothes...