Granite Tile:Like slate and marble, granite tile should be cleaned with a mild pH-neutral detergent. A harsh cleaner risks leaving streaks or discoloration on the tile. You also may want to buff a polished granite floor to keep it looking shiny and clean. Grant Webster How to Clean Resilien...
while also debunking many of the marble myths that get passed around the internet. Every marble countertop, shower and floor tile owner should have this valuable information to protect and prolong their investment.Marble is gorgeous and for many nothing on the market -natural or man-made- can ...
Another way to clean grout that may eliminate deep, set-in stains is to use asteam cleaner with a grout brush nozzle.This is both eco-friendly and safe for all types of tile, but not every steam cleaner works on shower tile and grout, so make sure you have the right tool for the j...
Rinse the floor or wall with clean water and dry.For stubborn stains, you may find you need to repeat the process on a regular basis to see optimal results. Tile and grout cleaning tips When it comes to tile cleaning, it’s actually a very similar process. Stores sell specialized tile ...
Before you start, it’s important to make sure the surfacesyou’ll be working on areclean, dry and most importantly flat. If you’re replacing wallpaper for tile, first, strip back the wallpaper to the plaster. Remembering to fill in any holes or cracks that you find with a suitable ...
Clean Tile Surface Cleaning bathroom floor tiles and grout is an especially tricky task unless you know how to do it efficiently. The best way to clean bathroom tiles is by starting with the basic cleaning steps above. This will remove the dirt and grime from the tile surface before youclean...
How to Clean Marble Surfaces How to Clean Marble Bathrooms, Floors, Tables, Tiles, Countertops and Other Fixtures You may wonder why there are special techniques used in the care and maintenance of marble. I mean, it’s a rock, right? True, but some stones are softer than others. ...
Shower & Tubs | Shower Heads & Faucets | Glass | Toilets | Dishes How to Clean Hard Water Stains from Shower & Tubs With constant water flow and lathering products, your shower and bathtub are probably where buildup is most obvious. Cleaning hard water stains in showers, however, shouldn...
White vinegar– Becausedistilled white vinegaris free of artificial dyes, it makes a great stain-fighting and odor-reducing agent. However, white vinegar shouldn’t be used to clean granite, marble, wood, stone surfaces because it could cause damage. ...
While you’re busy focused on the shower grout, consider the best ways to clean build-up from the surface of the shower tiles, too. A simple white vinegar wash is a good solution for non-porous tile surfaces, while marble or other porous stone surfaces are more safely cleaned using plain...