Once the inside glass is cleaned, remove rocks, artificial plants, or decorations that have significant algae growth, or are noticeably dirty. Do not clean them with soap or detergents as it is impossible to completely remove soap residue, and as mentioned even a trace can be lethal to fish....
Kittens go through stages of kittenhood that are important. The first three weeks, they don’t want anything to do with people, and are happy just to be with mom. Most breeders will handle them at this age anyway, to get them use to it. The period of 3 to 6 weeks is a fun time....
Rinse well to remove the shampoo. Dry gently with a clean rag or towel. 2 Work out matted patches of hair carefully. Siamese cats are unlikely to get matted hair because their fur is so short. However, if they do get matted hair in one of the few spots where their fur grows thicker...
Pay attention to odd behavior. Most animals that are being abused give tell-tale signs in their behavior. Commonly, the cats are described as seeming "cowed", hunkering down with dilated eyes, glancing around for an escape route. Some cats become highly aggressive, and lash out at the sl...
Use a soft moist cloth to wipe the area around your Himalayan eyes once per day. Make sure that you dry the area as well. 5 Give your Himalayan regular baths. Himalayans have lots of fur, so regular baths are essential to keeping them clean. Bathe your Himalayan from a young age so...
Maine Coon cats can be excellent, friendly pets. However, due to their long coats grooming is often a concern for owners. Maine Coon cats need regular brushing and bathing and their claws need to be trimmed occasionally. If you want to...