There are typically two bolts, one on either side of the toilet, that have to be removed. Unscrew the two bolts that attach the old toilet to the floor. Remove the old toilet. Place a rag in the floor drain temporarily to trap any gas that might escape from the drainpipe. Clean away...
I want to share my journey as a source of inspiration, NOT medical advice. Everything I share here is what I did to detox my body from mold exposure and what had worked or has been working for me. I am not guaranteeing anything for anyone else. Although I will go out on a limb an...
So, we could find out a lot about our own health from our toilets, but according to theBill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which launched their "Reinvent the Toilet Challenge" back in 2011, the next generation of toilets will also be able to kill pathogens, compost human waste and keep up...
I especially love that it will get out almost any bodily fluid (especially poop or blood) that just don’t seem to want to come out otherwise… The secret to getting the most out of an OxiClean soak is the duration of time that you soak it for. ...
Couches and wall to wall carpetsare very difficult to fully clean; try steam cleaning; inspect carpet padding below carpets and replace it if it's stained or smelly; Concrete surfacessuch as basement or garage floors where a pet peed or pooped will need to be cleaned, perhaps disinfected, dr...
That’s an easy answer. You don’t. Cats instinctively look for someplace to pee and poop that meets the needs we’ve been covering here. If you provide it, they’ll generally use it. Even kittens don’t really need to be litter box trained. They watch mom. If they don’t have a...
This flagship model promises a spotless clean every time. Buy DEEBOT X2 OMNI Now DEEBOT T20 OMNI DEEBOT T20 OMNI is your all-in-one floor caretaker. Transitioning across various floor types, the robot vacuum is engineered to protect your delicate carpets and rugs. When it detects carpeted...
Your pet will begin to repeatedly pucker up the anus, and repeat. Spraying, along with some very gentle stroking of the area with a moist soft baby wipe, will encourage your pet to poop. Make sure to lay out a clean newspaper or paper towel out for easy clean up. It’s not fun, ...
tackling one area fully before moving on to the next. Don’t worry about doing a deep clean immediately after the party. Focus on getting the house back in order by putting things back in their place and handling any immediate messes, like spills on the carpet or sticky spots on the floo...
The Norwex Mattress Cleaner is a revolutionary enzyme-based spray that ELIMINATES dust mites (and their poop), dead skin cells, pet dander, and all other organic matter from mattresses, pillows, carpet/area rugs, upholstered furniture, animal beds, and plush toys!If anyone in your family has ...