use a bottle brush (Amazon affiliate link) to stick down into the drain. You can use an old toothbrush if you need a quick substitute for a bottle brush. Move it up and down, rotating it, to clean the drain and remove any loose hair. ...
To look at one of his buildings from the street corner is to be impressed by its beauty and shape, but walk inside and you see where he was the true master -- he ruled interior spaces, down to the last chair and stained glass accent. Wright was also so particular about the furniture...
The glazing envelops the frame, allowing light into the greenhouse. Transparent walls and roof panels should be your goal, especially if you’re growing tropical plants in your greenhouse. You have several options for glazing materials, including glass, plastic, and polycarbonate. Whileglass is dur...
for how to clean a shower drain, you can get your bath up and running on your own. Often, the only tools and supplies needed are a dose of drain cleaner or a metal hanger. However, if an object has become lodged in the drain or your efforts fail, you may need to call in the ...
So, you probably have to rewax that toilet seat every time you clean with this substance, but (on the old rental) I’d rather go thru this easy-clean method and then spend 5 minutes rewaxing to that ‘brilliant white shine you can see your face in’ sorta like the shine on your ...
There is every need to inhale your hit from a clean and hygienic bong but some smokers feel that there is absolutely no need to clean the glass pipes they use as their smoking apparatus. The bongs can affect the quality of smoke if left unclean because of the toxins they collect with tim...
Making stained glass is an ancientartthat can be traced back to the early Egyptians. Although the first colored glass may have been used as jewelry or evencurrency, we probably know the art form best from seeing stained glass in the windows of churches. These windows are really paintings...
The glass door used to get this gunk on it. No more gunk! I think that was soap residue mixed with body oils. And my clothes smell fresh and clean. I use baking soda in the wash dispenser and white vinegar in the rinse cycle when I wash towels and washcloths, yet not every time ...
If food spills are common in your refrigerator, spread a dishtowel on the bottom shelf to catch any drips. Instead of having to clean the bottom shelf every time there’s a mess, you can just toss the towel in the wash. Keeping the Drawer Liner Clean ...
How to Clean Your Timber Floor Share this... Opens in a new window When it comes to your timber floors, you need to have it at the back of your mind that the floors go through a lot in a day. From smelly food spills to dirty shoes to pets scratching everywhere to killer heels,...