Use Gulp.js to manage tasks in series or parallel, allowing for flexible execution order and efficiency, improving build times and development experience. Follow the provided example project setup and Gulp configurations to quickly start automating CSS tasks in your projects, with all necessary files...
The cardinal sin of all squats: quarter reps. Partials. Squatting high. Call it what you will, but one of the key advantages of front squats is the ability to reach parallel or below without leaning the upper body forward, which is what shifts stress to the lower back. While squatting ...
With an old PC screen sitting beside my clean, high resolution mac-connected-monitor, the size differences in IE have been irritating me for a while. The old monitor seems to have large pixels, so that everything looks clunky, and it is hard to know what is the monitor, what is a PC...
Fixed Effects/Within model partials out the unobserved individual heterogeneity by regressing time demeaned data, whereas the First Differences model removes it by regressing first differences. When individual-specific effects are independent of the regressors, a Random Effect transformation is needed to ...