Location-based breadcrumbs help a user go to a broader category (higher-level page) from the page they are on. Consider someone who is searching for a pair of desert shoes. They click on one of the Google search results and land on the product page of your e-commerce site. After goin...
Or maybe you’re a plus-sized traveler and want to make the travel space more inclusive like Jeff Jenkins of Chubby Diaries. Here are a few tips for choosing a name: Avoid cliches (“nomad,”“adventure,” and “wander” are all over-used at this point) Avoid making it hard to spell...
However,my dad lost his job to AIafter 10 years as my editor. It was a bitter sweet moment when I decided to no longer send him posts to edit in 2024. However, I'm hopefully freeing up his time will enable him to enjoy his retirement more! But when is AI going to help invest...
Step 2 - Dry Out and Clean the Crawl Space It's ideal to start with asdry a crawl spaceas possible. Utilizing a dehumidifier, setting up fans, removing wet things, and using a pump to discharge any standing water are all options for drying out crawl space. ...
Turned out that the drain line just above the barrier and just below the guest bath had blown the cleanout cap off the main drain line for that bath. Every time someone flushed it was dumping into the crawl space and making its way under the crawl space moisture barrier. How to Get Rid...
Whether you want to know how to get rid of chipmunks in your crawl space, or you want to help prevent future pest problems like rats in the crawl space, you need to understand why pests like this space – and how they can get inside. What is a crawl space? When your home was ...
Rabbits are voracious eaters and leave clean-cut damage. Check the leaves and stems of your plants for cleanly cut damage; insects and other pests usually leave jagged edges on damaged plants. This clean-cut damage often happens at ground level, as rabbits tend to eat the yummy green shoots...
Remember to go after a blog niche you can picture yourself writing about for the next few years. For example, if you have a love for technology, then a tech-focused blog might be the perfect fit for you. When it comes to blog content, the most common formats are how-to articles, lis...
In order to avoid myriad issues, it is important to maintain your crawl space, keep it clean, and havecrawl space repairscarried out whenever necessary. By looking after this part of your home, you will be able to avoid may problems and you can enjoy betting living conditions as well as ...
See your book for what it is: a manuscript made up of sentences, paragraphs, pages. Those pages will begin to add up, and though after a week you may have barely accumulated double digits, a few months down the road you’ll be into your second hundred pages. ...