I use to use a dry erase markers over the permanent marker on my dry erase board but now I use alcohol. It makes the board look brand new and it’s less of an effort to clean. Reply 12 years ago Rodriquez Ragland i want to take sharpie marker off the door because my son drawn...
and it’s no different for your leather coat. You’ll probably be able to get light grime off, but any set in dirt or staining may remain after you’re finished. Because you are using a damp cloth, you also run the risk of discoloring...
1/17/16 9:30am– I also, have Sure Fit slip covers on 2 couches, but the couch that gets the most abuse is in our den, because of kids and 2 dogs. I was so excited when I ran upon your tutorial, about the couch seat covers. The way I found out about the couch covers was ...
Mold and mildew can build up on leather if it stays too damp for too long. If you notice either on your leather couch, combine equal quantities of water and rubbing alcohol in a bowl. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the area with the diluted rubbing alcohol, working in small and circul...
Promising review:"I was cautiously optimistic, but this tool is as effective as everyone is saying. My couches, and especially my recliner, look brand-new. It takes little to no effort to use. Just use it in a 'scrubbing' type motion, and it catches and traps the fur (and other small...
Deep scratches in leather furniture may be scuffed and dirty, so before you attempt to repair the area, make sure it’s clean first. Take a clean cloth and dip it in rubbing alcohol, then lightly buff the scratched area. Rubbing alcohol dries quickly. Let the area sit for about 10 mi...
If the material you chose doesn’t seem like it will cover everything, consider buying a really large drop-cloth so that you can cut it down to size. 3 Cut out a piece of fabric for the seat and for the back of the couch. Remember that there needs to be a lot of fabric available...
Many couches start to smell over time as dirt, grease, hair, and food crumbs accumulate. Couches can also get a quick blast of stink if a pet or child pees on them, or if you let your friend with stinky feet sleep on your sofa for the...