To avoid rusted floor drains, make sure they're checked out every few months for growing damage. Remove the drain cover and scrub it clean; clean the drain line of any visible buildup or plugging. Consider replacing existing floor drain covers with new materials like plastic or treated metal,...
How to Clean Rust Off of a Cast Iron Pan Here's How Often You Should Wash Your Water Bottle What Is Zote Soap? How to Descale a Nespresso Machine How to Unclog a Shower Drain Yourself How to Use a Self-Cleaning Oven Correctly How Does Dry Cleaning Work? How to Clean a Leather Couch...
Before you attempt to flush the drain,remove the coveror grate with a screwdriver. Use a flashlight to look inside the drain. If you see a visible sign of the clog, such as a clump of hair or accumulated soap, clean it out by hand. Try running a small amount of water through the d...
Remove the drain cover and run hot water down the drain. Use affresh® disposal cleaner tablets1 monthly or as needed to clean and remove odor-causing residues with a powerful foaming action. The tablet is designed to create a scrubbing action that cleans the disposal with a fresh, citrus ...
However, still water sitting in the sink is a breeding ground for gnats and drain flies. "All pests need water and moisture to avoid drying out," explained Crumbley. When the bugs get bad, clean and put away all dishes, and be sure to wipe down the sink to dry up any remaining ...
How to Reheat Fried Chicken in a Cast Iron Skillet Estimated time required: 23 minutes total (This includes 20 minutes for the chicken to come to room temperature.) Thoughts on refrying fried chicken Refrying is a good way to ensure you get crispy coating the next day, but sometimes it ...
Many people incorrectly state that you shouldn’t use soap and water to clean your cast iron cookware. However, from our experience, we have never had a problem with it. Provided you use a mild soap and warm water rather than boiling, there are no issues. You should also ensure that you...
Blender– The texture isn’t as great as the food processor method, but a blender actually works! Add about 3/4 cup of water to your blender along with the florets, and pulse intermittently to get the texture you want. Drain the water and pat dry when you’re done. ...
to almost cover meat. Bring back to a boil. Add canning salt (1 tsp. per quart or 1/2 tsp. per pint) if desired. Pack meat mixture into hot jar, leaving 1” headspace. Remove bubbles, wipe the rim clean, and place on seal and ring. Place jar in the warm canner. Proceed to ...
Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Step 2For grilling: Prepare a grill for medium-low heat; preheat 5 minutes. Clean and oil grates. Grill patties until browned on the bottom, about 4 minutes, then flip and continue to grill until warmed through and charred on second side (an ...