Canon printers use small, spongy pads to absorb excess ink that accumulates while printing and cleaning the print heads. When these pads are saturated, the printer will notify you with an error message such as "Ink Absorber Full." Some models display a series of flashing lights that you must...
How do I clean the ink absorber pads on the Canon PIXMA MP490 printer?Risposto! Visualizza la risposta Anch'io ho questo problema Questa è una buona domanda? Sì No Punteggio 37 23 Commenti great that it tells you how to clean them but how do you get them out?? Mine is a ...
The word MAINTENANCE should now change to ERROR CODE as seen next: At this point, we’re technically in a menu we can scroll down (ERROR CODE is the first option). We need to change the keypad to arrow keys which will let us navigate the menu. Press the “>>” button in the botto...