Blackheads are a specific kind of dark acne lesion that is formed as a result of excess of sebum produced. The sebum contains a dark pigment called melanin, which oxidizes and turns black when exposed to air. These appear specially in the middle of the face – on the nose to be specific...
Blackheads. Luckily, even if you inherited enlarged pores that are noticeable-from-a-mile-away clogged, there are still ways to banish them — for good. The most effective way to remove blocked pores is with gentle (!), manual removal. And, while products alone cannot take the place of ...
Picking and popping blackheads, even with clean hands, is another action to refrain from since, ultimately, you will cause more harm than good (even if you did manage to see some of those blackheads pop out). Not only can you cause more of these tiny spots as well as other breakouts, ...
That said, it’s also worth noting that blackheads aren’t necessarily a sign of a “dirty” face. So keep your face clean, but don’t believe the negative hype that says having blackheads means your face is dirty and you don’t take care of it. ...
The truth is, blackheads WILL slowly re-appear over time (unfortunately!), so it’s important to use the right products for prevention. There’sa lot to know about keeping pores clean, but in the meantime, here are a few tips for keeping those pesky blackheads at bay. ...
There’s just something about the color white that seems to draw food, ink and dirt stains to it like a magnet; and for those with less-than-stellar eating skills, wearing white clothing may seem like tempting fate. If your favorite white dress has falle
Your body starts out as a blank canvas that practically begs to be adorned with artful decorations. Makeup, hair styles, tattoos and body piercings are just a few of the ways you can creatively express your personality. If you opt for a piercing, you'll need to keep it clean if you do...
Learn how to get rid of blackheads with the best blackhead removal products and a gentle skin-care routine as recommended by dermatologists
Pimples and blackheads can occur for a variety of reasons, such as bacteria, hormonal fluctuations and excess oil. While there are a variety of different medications available to treat all kinds of acne, you don't have to use such products to clear your
We know it’s tempting to want to get rid of blackheads on your nose, chin, and other parts of the face. Weknow.The reality is, squeezing can push the debris deeper into the pore or transfer more bacteria from your hands to your pores. Picking and squeezing can make things much, much...