On the plus side, steel is much more dent-resistant and insulating than aluminum, and it can also be recycled when it reaches the end of its lifespan. Speaking of lifespan, steel lasts significantly longer than aluminum if treated to resist rust. This material can sometimes last over 50 ...
Don't overlook the bottom edge of lap siding, soffits or anywhere that dripping water can cause a buildup of dirt. To clean aluminum siding, use trisodium phosphate (TSP) and warm water. Use a soft brush and don't scrub so vigorously that you remove the finish. For vinyl siding, ...
When it comes to pots and containers, protect with a layer of netting or hardware cloth across the top of the pot. Or, here’s a more-expensive pantry solution: Lay aluminum foil across the top of vegetable pots, poking holes in it to allow for water exchange. The squirrels do not lik...
frame-mounted fan in an exterior doorway to the house. Any known openings to the outside, such as the fireplace flue; bathroom vent fans; and the flues to the water heater, furnace, or boiler are temporarily sealed.
After a day or so the concrete guys will come and take down to forms and clean up any spilled concrete. Be sure to communicate any concerns you have about the job if any at this time because this is the time that they will be expecting to get paid. Sometimes you will pay half up ...
Wood soffit panels can be carefully removed using a pry bar, then reinstalled when you’re done. In the case of vinyl panels, simply pop them out of their track and remove them. Aluminum soffits will slide out the corners of the eves. ...
Another advantage of front-loading washing machines is that, because they use less water, they require less soap and bleach to clean clothes. However, many front loaders require the use of special low-sudsing detergents in order to work properly. Top Loader Upgrades To keep pace with the inte...
asupply air plenumto handle the heated air on its way out. You’ll cut holes in this to connect supply ducts to the rest of your house. Step 4: Let’s Hook This Sucker Up Read the Manual: Somebody actually cared when they wrote this instruction manual. ...
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