Now, hands down probably the fastest way to clean your rifle is by throwing it into a solvent tank for a bit or sticking a 20 dollar bill inside the chamber when youhand it back to your armorer. But if neither of these is an option afforded to you, there is always the good old-fa...
How to Clean a Double-Barrel Shotgun: The Ritual 1. Unload. Check. Check Again. The Dead Don’t Get Do-Overs. Take the shells out. Not later. Not after one last check. Now. Open the action. Look inside the chambers. Run your fingers along the bore. TheNational Rifle Association (N...
I posted a question on thewww.leverguns.comforum about hacksawing off a rifle barrel, and I received several answers from guys who, basically, said there was nothing to it. So I decided to do it. If you try this and ruin your rifle barrel, it ain't my fault! Click photos for full...
If you clean your rifle barrel so often that you’re continually wearing out cleaning jags, you’re doing it too much … or your rifle barrel sucks. Gun cleaning is important, but there’s no need to waste your time cleaning them too much. My father served in the Army during the Korea...
Avoid pulling the dirty brush or patch backwards to reintroduce any dirt or buildup back into the barrel. Now you can let the solvent work inside of the barrel while you clean the rest of your gun. When you return to your barrel after addressing the rest of the handgun, use your boring...
This basically means I can have four extra inches of barrel without adding to rifle length. In fact, I do have this. My Ruger No. 1 Medium Sporter in .300 H&H with a 26-inch barrel has exactly the same overall length as that .270 Balickie. ...
Clean the weapon with the solvent of your choice. Take the end of the bore brush and put it in the barrel until the solvent and bristles make contact. Pull the brush with little force since upon contact of the solvent and bristles produce resistance. ...
Copper build up inside the barrel of a precision rifle can greatly affect its accuracy. Rust is corrosive and eats away the metal of your gun. This creates pits in the barrel of your rifle. Regular clean-up of your firearm will give you accurate results every time. ...
(N.J.S.A. 2C-39-1) to make a semi-automatic rifle illegal and thus, banned along with semi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines that likewise have two of the barred features, such as a flash suppressor or threaded barrel that can bear a barrel extender. No guns may have bump ...
pistol and how well it seems to present itself to the target and how comfortable and easy it is to shoot. Use the cleaning rod and patch to clean the chamber. Bersa Thunder, Firestorm Sig P238 S&W Bodyguard Taurus Spectrum PT 738 Walther PT738 PK380, PPK/S Kahr CW380, CT380 Springfiel...