Keeping your vape clean is the best way to ensure you don’t inhale metal nanoparticles and your vape experience is great every time. Vaporizers can develop mold and bacteria if not properly taken care of, so never skip this step! HERE’S HOW TO CLEAN YOUR VAPE USING WHITE VINEGAR: 1....
Keep it on a high shelf away from where your baby sleeps. Check it regularly for mold or white dust. Clean it at least every few days. Fill it with distilled water. Use a cool-mist humidifier. Measure the room's humidity to make sure it doesn't get too damp and grow mold on the...
Alternatively, try leaving a shallow glass or bowl filled with white vinegar in your vehicle for a day or two to eliminate the odor. Just be sure to take it out when you’re driving so you don’t spill. 8 Deep-clean your vehicle with a vacuum and upholstery shampoo. Download Article...
Soak all parts, except for the tubing, in one part white distilled vinegar to three parts hot water for one hour. Discard the solution. Rinse the parts, except for the tubing, in cold water and air dry them on a clean towel. After the parts are dry, store them in a clean area in...